Bidh mòran de lusan saothrachaidh a ’cleachdadh
innealan spreadhaidhoir tha comasan math bleith is cùraim aca. Faodaidh iad lorgan pàirtean a thoirt air falbh le meirgeadh / oxidachadh / toirt air falbh gus am bi an uachdar a ’coimhead ùrachadh gu tur. Chan e seo am prìomh phuing. Às deidh a bhith a ’polladh, tha na pàirtean gu ìre an aghaidh, gus an gabh an cleachdadh nas seasmhaiche agus nas èifeachdaiche. Is e seo cuideachd adhbhar an inneal spreadhaidh peilear. Bruidhnidh an deasaiche a leanas mu phrìomh fheartan an inneal spreadhaidh peilear.
1. Coileanadh seasmhach agus cumhachdach
Is e aon de na feartan aig an
inneal spreadhaidh peilear is that its performance is sufficiently stable, the effect of shot blasting and the averaging/persistence of the shot blasting rate comparison, the manufacturers can completely refer to the inneal spreadhaidh peilear manufacturers in the actual put into use. The parameter plan is set, and the parameter setting is based on science, which can maximize the performance of the inneal spreadhaidh peilear.
2. Dèan atharrachadh airson atharrachaidhean sa mhargaidh
Inneal sèididh losgadh is a kind of surface treatment equipment that meets market demand. After several years of continuous expansion and upgrading, there are now more than ten types of inneal spreadhaidh peilears, which meet the various needs and needs of users. For example, you are making castings. If you choose a crawler inneal spreadhaidh peilear, for example, if you are in the steel industry, you choose a through-type inneal spreadhaidh peilear, so the inneal spreadhaidh peilear is able to adapt to market changes and meet various needs.
3. Tha am prionnsapal agus an structar sìmplidh
A bharrachd air deagh bhuaidhean agus èifeachdas, tha structar teann aig an uidheamachd spreadhaidh peilear fhèin, agus faodaidh fios a bhith agad dè a ’phàirt a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith aig ìre sùil gheur. Tha prionnsapal an
inneal spreadhaidh peilear is to shoot through the inneal spreadhaidh peilear, and it is shot at a certain speed. Among the surface of the workpiece, the surface of the workpiece is subjected to continuous impact and becomes shiny and clean. Of course, what kind of shot material you use depends on what kind of parts you throw.