Dè an inneal spreadhaidh peilear seòrsa druma no inneal sèididh peilear seòrsa crawler a tha nas practaigeach?


Tuairisgeul bunaiteach deinneal spreadhaidh peilear druma:

Thathas a ’cleachdadh an inneal-tionndaidh rothlach aig astar luath gus na teilgearan a thilgeil gu dìreach air an obair-obrach a tha a’ tuiteam gu leantainneach anns an t-seòmar druma, agus mar sin a ’coileanadh buaidh neartachadh glanadh a’ phìos-obrach. Is e structar corp an inneal an druma, crios togail, motair lughdachadh, dealaiche, agus inneal spreadhaidh peilear. Tha e freagarrach airson gnìomhachas an fhùirneis. Chan fhaod cuideam a ’phìos obrach a chaidh a ghlanadh a bhith nas àirde na 15 kg. Faodar a losgadh le spreadhadh gus meirge a thoirt air falbh, an còmhdach ocsaid a thoirt air falbh agus an glaodh uachdar a neartachadh. Tha e freagarrach airson seòrsa de dh ’obair a ghlanadh air nach eil eagal a bhith air a phronnadh agus air a sgrìobadh. Is e an ana-cothrom nach gabh losgadh mòr a losgadh.

Tuairisgeul bunaiteach deinneal sèididh crawler:
Tha Crawler cuideachd na phrionnsapal, freagarrach airson tilgeadh beag is meadhanach, mathanas beag is meadhanach, àrdachadh gleus uachdar meatailt ann an grunn ghnìomhachasan, toirt air falbh meirge agus toirt air falbh còmhdach ocsaid, msaa ... Sèididh peilear ceangailte gu dìreach air a chleachdadh leinneal sèididh crawlersTha an inneal air a dhèanamh le bhith ag amalachadh prìomh theicneòlasan ùra aig an taigh agus thall thairis. Tha structar iomlan an uidheamachd sìmplidh agus tha an seata iomlan math. Tha an dòigh ath-chuiridh lann nas freagarraiche na a ’bhunait thùsail. Tha èifeachdas toraidh air a mheudachadh le barrachd air 10% na bha e roimhe. An duslach sa phròiseas cinneasachaidh Tha an dùmhlachd sgaoilidh cuideachd air a lughdachadh le barrachd air 5% an coimeas ris an àm a dh ’fhalbh. Faodaidh an leudachadh crawler spreadhadh làn fèin-ghluasadach a thoirt gu buil gu ruige seo, agus faodaidh e obrachadh gu neo-eisimeileach no a bhith ceangailte ris an loidhne riochdachaidh.

Old employees in the industry should know that the inneal spreadhaidh peilear druma was the first to appear on the market, because the casting manufacturing industry was very in demand in the early days. With the spread of inneal spreadhaidh peilear drumas, crawlers finally appeared Type shot blasting machine, drum type shot blasting machine has been completely replaced by crawler type shot blasting machine due to changes in subsequent development. Because the structure of the inneal sèididh crawler is simpler, the inneal sèididh crawler can also roll and shot the workpiece, and can also realize the function of automatic loading and unloading. After the workpiece is cleaned, it will be automatically sent out of the shot blasting room. However, this function cannot be achieved by the roller type shot blasting machine. In addition, the damaged parts during the use of the drum type shot blasting machine are higher than that of the crawler. From the perspective of cost and later considerations, I will choose the crawler type shot blasting machine and the drum type shot blasting volume Small cannot fully meet the daily workload of manufacturers, so this is why more users like to use inneal sèididh crawlers.
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